Greg Shapiro on NPO Op1: Commenting as Trump

Greg Shapiro on NPO Op1: Commenting as Trump on US Elections – PART ONE

Broadcast date: 4 November, 2020.
Greg Shapiro Comments as Trump on NPO ‘Op1.’ Hosts: Charles Groenhuijsen, Carrie ten Napel.
SO I was asked to appear on a Dutch talk show to comment – as Trump – on the results of Election 2020. Here’s part one.

At one point, Charles Groenhuijsen said “We asked ourselves at the production meeting – when the tide started to turn to Biden – ‘What must Trump be thinking?’ Luckily we have Greg Shapiro to tell us tonight.”
SO I answered as Trump: “Joe Biden is totally fake. We stole this election fair and square!” And by the end I got applause at the table from Charles as well as Carrie ten Napel, Laila Frank, Jeroen Pauw & Ali B.