
Shapiro EYE Filmmuseum Opening

Greg Shapiro Speaks at EYE Filmmuseum Opening for ‘Coen Brothers Complete’ film festival What was I doing speaking at the opening of a Dutch Coen Brothers film festival? Amsterdam’s EYE film museum is hosting a Coen Brothers retrospective all summer long, kicking off with their...

Shapiro Hosts TUDelft Event

I got to host the 10 year anniversary of TU Delft's Sports Engineering Institute just in time for Paris Olympics 2024

Shapiro Voices BeachBoys Documentary

Shapiro Voices BeachBoys Documentary
Did you know The Beach Boys recorded one of their albums in the Netherlands? I didn't. But then I voiced a 'making-of' documentary about this unique Dutch-American musical project.

Greg Shapiro in Telegraaf

I was interviewed in De Telegraaf about how to adopt your local garbage container - to get the key!

Shapiro Votes in Global Primary

Shapiro Votes in Global Primary
Dutch morning show 'Goede Morgen Nederland' asked if I was planning to vote in the Global Presidential Primary. I said YES

Shapiro Dutch Quiz Book

How to Be Dutch: THE QUIZ. All the questions that SHOULD be on the Dutch Citizenship Exam, according the expat expert who has been living in the Netherlands for close to 30 years.

‘7thGuest’ VR Game Making-Of

7thGuest VR Game Making-Of
Greg Shapiro appears in 7thGuest VR Game Making-Of 26 January, 2024 One year ago – in January 2023 – I spent a week in a 360-Green Screen studio to help create a remake of the classic 1990s video game The 7th Guest. This time for...
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