
Greg Shapiro PePijn’s Comedy Club

The English-language comedy scene in The Netherlands is developing so much comedy talent - for under €20 you can easily see 'Tomorrow’s Netflix Special' comedians.

Greg Shapiro November Dates

Greg Shapiro November Dates
PEP & GREG SAVE AMERICA at Boom Chicago, and Greg hosts his new comedy night at Pepijn Theater in the Hague

Greg Gets Name-Checked on TV

Greg Shapiro Name-Checked on TV
One of the more bizarre aspects of knowing famous people is when they name-check you on TV: sometimes a compliment; sometimes an insult

Dutch Direct vs the Elephant in the Room

Greg Shapiro Dutch Direct
Dutch culture prides itself on being ‘Dutch direct,’ which is an indirect way of saying ‘rude.’ Sometimes I get hired by Dutch companies to host their events...


In 2007, Viacom’s Comedy Central launched its first channel in the Netherlands. The Dutch producers wanted to create a new TV show for the occasion. So Boom Chicago got the call to create a show, and we came in with a concept that was basically “What if The Muppet Show had a Weekend Update?” 

Greg Shapiro EditieNL ‘Going Dutch’

In August, Dutch American comedian Greg Shapiro was asked to comment on the Dutch app Tikkie (and their new tool ‘Groupie’) by EditieNL on Dutch RTL. "Now that I think about it, if there’s one person who never orders the appetizer - it’s ME. So I have to admit: when I go out to eat with a group, I’m the one saying ‘I’ve itemized my part of the bill.’ I'VE TRULY GONE DUTCH.”

Greg Shapiro Sells Potatoes for AGRISTO

Soda Stream, Dollar Shave Club, Old Spice with Terry Crews… and now Greg Shapiro sells potatoes for Agristo. In an online ad directed by Gouden Kalf winner Dennis Bots. Starring me, parachuting into a potato processing plant in Wielsbeke, Belgium.
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