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Shapiro in JFK Magazine

Shapiro in JFK Magazine

Greg Shapiro is Back in JFK Magazine – ‘Just for Men’

4 September, 2024
Shapiro in JFK Magazine

It’s been awhile since I was last in JFK Magazine. I think it was when I hosted Comedy Central news in 2008. But now I’m on tour with my 2024 US election show LEAVING TRUMPLAND 2.0: No Country for Old Men. And they invited me again – for a wonderful photo series, previewing my premiere De Kleine Komedie, Amsterdam! Great interview by head editor Jeroen Jansen. And photos by Martijn Senders. Here are some highlights of the interview:

How do I feel about Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump?

I vacillate between Hope and Horror. But at least it’s not all horror. I start my show by putting my cards on the table: No, I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I love him as a punching bag. But I can’t have him as president again. Still – even if he loses in a landslide – he’ll never go away. Good news for me.

When Joe Biden dropped out, I always thought Kamala Harris was the most logical choice to be the candidate. Yes, I think she can win. I just hope Trump actually shows up to debate her. He will completely fall apart. He’ll have a nuclear meltdown in real time. Great for ratings!

Trump says that Kamala Harris isn’t really black. And maybe he has a point. Compared to Donald Trump, her primary characteristic is not black. It’s that she’s Not Old. She’s Not a Criminal. And she’s Not Weird.


Yes, it’s true. I keep a note in my pocket

for when I bump into Trump supporters. SO I don’t rely on Democrat talking points. These arguments are more effective with Trump supporters. Like “Donald Trump disrespects veterans from the military.” Like “He’s not focused, he brings too much chaos.” And whatever you thought about the election results in 2020, “Trump lost 62 out of 62 court cases challenging those results. He lost the lawsuit about the sexual assault. He lost the lawsuit about doing business in New York. And he lost the lawsuit about stormy Daniels. He’s on a losing streak.”

JFK Magazine Online:


Greg Shapiro Leaving Trumpland 2.0

Greg Shapiro LeavingTrumpland 2

Greg Shapiro: LEAVING TRUMPLAND 2.0 – No Country for Old Men

Autumn, 2024

Dutch-American comedian Greg Shapiro (Boom Chicago, BNR, Comedy Central) presents a US Election Special. Kamala Harris says “We’re not going back,” Greg Shapiro says “Leaving Trumpland.” As Donald Trump continues his campaign in the form of a flameout nervous breakdown, the theme of the 2024 election is  ‘No Country for Old Men.’ Specifically, Old Weird Men.


Greg Shapiro is known as the voice of the ‘Netherlands Second’ video from ‘Zondag Met Lubach.’ But now – if Trump wins – will Shapiro ever feel comfortable returning to the country of his birth? Shapiro keeps hearing the question: “don’t you want Trump to be president again?” His answer is the same thing Mark Rutte said to Trump in the White House: “Haha! No.”

Leaving Trumpland 2.0 is a mix of standup, cabaret and Trump-inspired improvisation. Shapiro wrote Leaving Trumpland 1.0 in 2020 – during COVID. He argues that a Trump comeback would be about as welcome as COVID 2.0. In Shapiro’s most personal moment, he shares the details of how COVID killed his step-father, due to Trump’s fantasyland followers. Leaving Trumpland 2.0 is Shapiro’s most brutally honest show yet.



Reviews Greg Shapiro LeavingTrumpland 1.0

Due to COVID, not many people saw Leaving Trumpland 1.0. But critics did.




Greg Shapiro is one of the originals at Boom Chicago theater in Amsterdam. He has hosted ‘Comedy Central News’ on ComedyCentralNL, and he has appeared on BNR, BNN-VARA, VPRO & ZDF in Germany. And yes, he is known as the voice of Trump in the ‘Netherlands Second’ viral video with 50 million views. As author, Greg has written books such as How to Be Dutch: the Quiz and his latest The American Netherlander: 25 Years of Expat Tales.


Greg Shapiro’s Leaving Trumpland 2.0 is performed in English, with some content in Dutch.
Written and Performed by: Greg Shapiro
Directed by: Michael Diederich.

Theater Booker: Impact Entertainment. They will be announcing tour dates soon…
See Greg’s LEAVING TRUMPLAND 1.0 (2020)


The ‘Netherlands Second’ video (2017)



Shapiro Votes in Global Primary

Shapiro Votes in Global Primary

Shapiro Votes in Global Primary

6 March 2024

Super Tuesday in the Netherlands! Time for Dutch American comedian Greg Shapiro to vote in the Global Presidential Primary 2024. The Dutch morning show ‘Goede Morgen Nederland’ called me up to ask if I was planning to vote – and how I was planning to vote. (Their channel WNL is more right-wing, so I was cautious.) Since I am still a citizen of the US, I said “yes, of course I’m voting (for Biden)!”

The Global Presidential Primary is fairly new. And so far the Democrat party is the only one organizing it. Until 2020 – if you wanted to vote in the presidential primaries at all – you had to send in an absentee request to register and for a ballot. Now, the Democrat party is organizing a number of in-person voting locations for American expats around the world. Amsterdam is one of the locations, specifically at Boom Chicago.

The TV interviewer asked if I could provide an American-style campaign event. She asked “do you maybe have flags?” Being the American Netherlander, YES I have flags. Here is the (one-minute) TV interview – in Dutch. Below is the transcript in English.

transcript in English:

Presenter: “One of the people who can vote in the Global Presidential Primary is ‘Mr. America first, Netherland second,’ comedian Greg Shapiro.”

Greg: “Yes, I’m celebrating today. I’m celebrating that as the American Netherlander, I can vote in person in the Global Presidential Primary.
I realize Joe Biden is not the ideal candidate. He’s way too old. But he’s the only Democrat who can say he beat Trump once already. And yes, he’s old, but he has more experience than anybody. He knows so many world leaders, NATO leaders, dictators. He knows Putin. For decades. That counts for something.
I have family in America. I have a sister, she has a daughter. And I’m sorry, but the Republicans with their crazy abortion laws. I feel like I have to protect my family if I can. So I’m voting for Biden.”

(as Biden) “Vote today if you want to vote for Biden.”

(as Trump) “And if you want to vote for Trump, you can’t. It’s Democrats only this time around.”


For more Greg Shapiro TV appearances, click here: