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Shapiro ‘Europa Draait Door’

Greg Shapiro Trump Commentary for Amerika Draait Door Event at De Kleine Komedie (for Europa Draait Door)

event: 12 October, 2024

You may know Dutch journalists Tim de Wit & Arend Jan Boekestijn from their podcast ‘Europa Draait Door.’ (aka Europe is “going crazy.”) In the run-up to the craziest of US elections, they organized a one-off event called ‘Amerika Draait Door,’ aka “America Is Going Crazy.” And they invited me for some comedy commentary. Together with America correspondent Michiel Vos, they predicted it: Trump would win the 2024 election. I predicted Trump would get 20-24 years in prison. (I was wrong.)


The evening began at Amsterdam’s De Kleine Komedie with flags and campaign banners and the journalists’ advice: it’s never safe to bet against Donald Trump. Michiel Vos joined in to agree. Mind you, Michiel Vos is famously married to the daughter of Nancy Pelosi. Apparently he follows the family party line on politics. But boy does he get excited when he talks about Donald Trump’s star quality: “Trump is a bad ass. It’s like the bullets bounce off of him. Americans see him as invincible.” + “Too many Americans are struggling to get by. Living paycheck to paycheck, constantly shocked and upset at hidden costs for every little thing. Americans want a disruptor. They want someone who’s gonna tear it all down if necessary. That’s why they will vote for Donald Trump.”


Greg Goes Against the Grain

The panel predicted a Trump win. Arend-Jan made his prediction by putting on a Make America Great Again hat. (I couldn’t help feeling like that hat will at some point be seen as a symbol of hate. Like, if these guys had to predict “who would win World War II,” he’d be putting on a swastika hat.)

At the end, it was my turn – to make fun of all the candidates. I pointed out that Trump is now older than Joe Biden was when he started as president. Next, I talked about Project 2025 being written by a bunch of religious fanatics. When Dutch people ask me, “Where did they come from?” I say: “You sent them! The Pilgrims, in 1620!”

Dutch people keep asking me, “You don’t really think Trump will be a fascist – ?” And it’s true, the United States has never had fascists take over the country. …But in the Netherlands you have! Not that long ago. Thank goodness it was over quickly – and that’s the best hope I have for the US now.

I ended my bit by giving a fake Trump press conference. Taking questions and giving ridiculous answers. Most answers were simply me repeating Trump’s actual quotes.

I made my prediction by amending the Trump campaign sign from ‘Trump 2024’ to ‘Trump 20- 24’ years in prison. …It was a simpler time.

Of course, no one had thought to discuss the very end of the show. So I dragged everyone up front for a photo op and a big bow.

Full house! Great show. Accurate predictions and accurate title: America is going crazy.

Europa Draait Door

Read Reviews for Greg Shapiro’s Leaving Trumpland 2.0: No Country for Old Men


Greg Shapiro FD Persoonlijk

Greg Shapiro in FD Persoonlijk: “I’d Rather be Trump-free Than Wealthy.”
26 September, 2024

Interview: Els Quaegebeur, Photos: Yani (translation: Google)

The American Dutch comedian Greg Shapiro swore never to imitate Donald Trump again. Yet Trump is back, and Shapiro is now back on stage with a Trump show. For him, it helps to have an outlet.

The energy that the Dutch American Greg Shapiro spreads around on stage can also be seen when he’s in his Amsterdam kitchen. Fast talking, alternating between Dutch and English. Often laughing, even in the middle of a sentence. He displays a variety of facial expressions, from cartoonish to ironically amused – even about topics that are clearly going in a serious direction.


Shapiro’s striking Trump imitation – known from the ‘Netherlands Second’ viral video – pops up in conversation as he’s making coffee. Shapiro – who first came to Amsterdam in 1994 to join the Amsterdam-based comedy group Boom Chicago – hoped to be rid of Trump when he stood on stage for a small audience in 2020, due to the corona pandemic. With his solo show Leaving Trumpland. But Trump is back, and now comes the sequel, Leaving Trumpland 2.0: No Country for Old Men.

With the Democrats’ changing of the guard [from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris in July], Shapiro had to adapt and rewrite in a hurry. “Within a few weeks I had to write 60 minutes of new material. Constantly walking around with a voice recorder and a notebook. Trying a lot of material in open mics and self-booked tryouts. And also testing jokes at home.”

He looks at his wife, Inez de Goede (who is also the producer of the show and his tour manager) grinning “just ask her, haha.”


Q: Does Trump also have something that you find admirable?

“Trump is fundamentally an entertainer. You can’t underestimate how much that appeals to American voters. So yes, I give Trump credit for his qualities as basically a Roast Comedian. At an age when most people retire, he reinvented himself as this hateful, political-tirade live act. As a comedian, I recognize a few of his techniques: Storytelling, voice imitation, playing an audience. He is extremely good at it.”


Q: On stage, you’re always busy with Trump as the target, but you’re also an American citizen with the right to vote. How does that affect you?

“As a voter, comedy is a kind of therapy. Even though I’ve lived in the Netherlands for 30 years, I follow the elections closely. It helps to have an outlet, a platform where I’m together with an audience that is also a bit concerned. After a performance, I’ll go out and talk to the folks who saw the show. One guy just told tell me how he heard me doing my Trump imitation, making him look ridiculous – but then realized that’s an actual Trump quote. It helped him realize how insane it would be to put him back in power. That is therapeutic for me.”


Read the full interview here:

Theater Reviews for Shapiro’s Leaving Trumpland: No Country for Old Men:

Shapiro at Tim Walz Amsterdam

Greg Shapiro on Tim Walz in Amsterdam: “Walz for President -?”

Seen at John Adams Institute event 18 February, 2025


What the hell was Minnesota governor Tim Walz doing in Amsterdam at Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ in February?
Well, apparently it was a trade mission that had been scheduled over a year ago. Since then, Walz became Kamala Harris’ running mate, and they lost. So now we ended up with a Vice President like JD Vance basically declaring war on Europe last Friday.

Tim Walz on JD Vance: “It’s an awkward position. Normally, I’d be overseas supporting my nation’s leadership. But.. boy, you said John Adams Institute is here to ‘promote bright minds from the US?’ Right now it feels like a pretty thin bench.” (…Big laughs!)

(This audience was largely populated by members of Democrats Abroad – unlike his Monday night event, where he was reportedly much more reserved.)

Walz added:  “Now when I visit the Anne Frank House, it feels less like a historical experience – more like a cautionary experience.” And Walz deftly pivoted back to trade: “If you don’t like where Trump is headed, make more business deals with Democrat governors. It really hits him where it hurts.”


What would Tim Walz do differently?

PART ONE of the interview was Laila Frank on US POLITICS. Her first question: “Why did you lose?”
Walz gave three reasons:

  1. It was too quick / he was too green. “I should NOT have taken the bait to talk about dogs & cats & immigration.”
  2. ‘Balkanization of media’ + dominance of right-wing media. “But that’s my job as a teacher, I didn’t do a good enough job explaining.” (This includes the people onstage. Though Walz has explained his name is pronounced like the plural of Wall, everyone called him Waltz.) (Also, when Laila Frank mentioned Tim Walz to her Democrat friends in Philadelphia, their first response was “Who’s that again?”)
  3. Yes, the economy. Too many people have been hurting for too long, and the Democrats have been too timid. “I don’t understand this tendency to portion out your power. Burn through it all as soon as you can! Show people you’ll do anything to improve their lives.” Example: Obamacare. “Yes, Obamacare was better, but it’s nowhere near good enough. We need Universal Health Care. Say it!”

Q: “It’s been a month of Trump in power. Where are the Democrats?”
Walz: “Amsterdam.” (Huge laugh)
Walz said he’d just met with some Dutch members of Parliament earlier. He envies the idea of a Shadow Government: “Every time a plane crashes, I want to see a press conference with Pete Buttigieg saying ‘Here’s what they’re doing wrong. Here’s how we’d be better.’ The Republicans: they tell you ‘government doesn’t work,’ then they get into power and prove it.”

Q: “Is there a crisis of masculinity in America? What should Democrats do?”

Walz: “Provide for them. Too many men feel left behind.  But also provide for women. There’s a reason the Republicans called me ‘Tampon Tim’ – for providing menstrual products for women and girls in our schools. We are the ones providing for women. …Plus, every time I’d go on a Congressional hunting trip, I could shoot better than any of them.” Hence: Use their weakness against them. “Then again, I was just giving some advice to my son – he’s now 18. And he replied ‘…says the man who lost to Donald Trump.’ So, yeah that’s fair.”


Is Walz campaigning for something?

PART TWO was Anne van Zoest on FOREIGN POLICY. First question: “What if US drops out of NATO?”
Walz: “I hate to sound like Trump, but you might want to step up your military spending. Because the rate we’re going those aircraft carriers might not be there.”

Q: “What does a new world order look like without the USA there?”
“They’re exporting oligarchy. (hey, at least people know now what that means.) It’s not very popular.”
Walz on the EU Paris Summit: he said he was shocked that EU leaders weren’t more decisive on Ukraine. “We need action. Look at Canada. When Trump threatened tariffs, they pulled Kentucky whisky off their shelves. To punish red states specifically. It worked.”

Q: “What will the Middle East look like?”
Walz: “I continue to believe in a 2-state solution. But now that Trump announced his plans to turn Gaza into ‘Trump Plaza,’ I’d expect more outrage. But there’s been silence in the Arab world. And the EU for that matter. Maybe I’m stuck in the past. I really don’t know.”

Q: “Governor Walz or Senator Walz?”
Walz: “If I could help form a more united front in DC, I could see that. But for now – as Governor, I can be more consequential in one day than I was for 12 years in Congress. Yes, there will be midterm elections, and my expectation is most folks will realize Trump and the Republicans do NOT have their backs. But even this coming November, look at the governor’s race in Virginia. That will tell you a lot.”

Meanwhile, Laila Frank reports that Walz was heard backstage saying, “I’ve been tryout out that line.” Is that what you say on a trade mission? Or more like what you say when you’re campaigning?

TIM WALZ for President 2028.

John Adams Institute website:

Greg Shapiro on Tim Walz as VP candidate 2024:

Shapiro at Timothy Snyder Event

Fascism Expert Timothy Snyder Speaks in Amsterdam, and I Ask Him a Question

Friday, 24 January, 2025

Shapiro at Timothy Snyder Event

Timothy Snyder was hosted by the John Adams Institute at the Dominicuskerk Amsterdam

A Fascism expert. What better way to celebrate the second inauguration of Donald Trump?

US author & professor Timothy Snyder spoke in Amsterdam on “Imagining and Designing a Better America.”
(Maybe he was talking about somewhere else in North America.)

Timothy Snyder is best known for his book On Tyranny, which describes how democracies die. His phrase “do not obey in advance” has been trending on social media since Election Day 2024. Snyder: “I wish my book was NOT a best-seller right now.”

One Snyder line that stuck with me: “Oligarchs have more in common with each other than they do with their own people.” Hence Trump’s first foreign leader invite was to Netanhayu. And Trump’s first Big Phone Call was to Putin. To coordinate the heist.

Snyder’s new book is On Freedom, which he’s promoting now. He said he wanted to ask the question: “What is it that makes a Trump possible?” His answer: the US has the wrong idea of freedom. There’s “The Freedom TO”  vs. “The Freedom FROM”.
-The Freedom TO is referenced in the US Declaration of Independence: “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Positive Freedom.
-The Freedom FROM is negative. It comes from a place of entitlement and blame. “If not for X, then you would be free. (And only I can fix it.)” Negative Freedom.


The Four Freedoms

Unfortunately for Snyder, someone in the audience brought up the famous “Four Freedoms” of Franklin Roosevelt. (The freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom FROM hunger and the freedom FROM fear.) Snyder argues that it’s semantics, and the first two freedoms define the four, and they’re primarily about the freedom TO exercise your own free will.

The US Republican party promises the freedom FROM: immigrants; woke culture; and… the government itself. Ronald Reagan was charismatic and indeed a great communicator, when he said “the nine most frightening words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” Snyder argues that Donald Trump also is intelligent & charismatic & good at politics. And a fascist.

Interesting point from Snyder: any time the term freedom is applied to an object – it implies authoritarianism. The term “free market” = you humans have the duty to NOT intervene.

Another interesting point: Negative freedom empowers people to abandon empathy. Fascism relies on lack of human empathy.

Someone from the audience asked “here you are in Amsterdam with a liberal audience. Aren’t you just preaching to the choir?” Snyder argues that “Preaching to the Choir” is 100% good! It’s empowering to hear friends & neighbors make their case. And it helps encourage human empathy.


My question for the Timothy Snyder Q & A:

“I was thinking of the quote from Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, about the ‘pleasant falsehood vs the unpleasant truth.’ And negative freedom seems to be doing a good job of promoting the pleasant falsehood! But does there come a point when the unpleasant truth becomes unavoidable? Like in America? Basically, you’ve studied a lot of democracies slipping into dictatorship… can you tell us what happens next?”

Snyder answered that “More Negative freedom will lead to people being less free. At some point, Negative freedom will crash out.”
Snyder predicts Trump will experience extreme unpopularity, starting 6-12 months into this term.
I hope he’s right.

In 2024, Greg Shapiro toured his show Leaving Trumpland 2.0: No Country for Old Men

Shapiro Boom Chicago Review

Shapiro Boom Chicago Review

Greg Shapiro Boom Chicago Review for “Pep and Greg Politically Incorrect – 2024 Election Edition”

4 November, 2024

(from Theaterkrant, translated from Dutch by Google / Shaprio)


Patrick van den Hanenberg

(Seen on November 3, 2024, Boom Chicago, Amsterdam)

If Dutch voters would have their way, Kamala Harris would win the White House with a huge victory. Unfortunately, the Americans are in charge, and the Boom Chicago duo Pep Rosenfeld and Greg Shapiro are not reassured. It does make for a sweat-inducingly funny show.

Tuesday night, there will be tears of joy or sorrow at Boom Chicago. At 8 o’clock, Rosenfeld and Shapiro will first play their show in the former Rozentheater. And then, with the support of the international organization Democrats Abroad, the scores will be updated and commented on with clenched buttocks until well after midnight. At 4 o’clock in the morning, a victory or consolation breakfast will be served.

The ‘Election Edition’ of Pep and Greg Politically Incorrect will continue after the presidential election, but it remains to be seen in what atmosphere the ‘Post-Election Roundup Edition’ will be played. Rosenfeld and Shapiro are among the first Boom Chicago comedians and have experienced many presidential elections since the improv comedy company was founded in 1993. But the tension in the group has never been so great, now that Trump’s plans involve a real attack on democracy. Four years of Trump in the White House has yielded an overwhelming amount of satire. And in the minutes before the start of the show we are treated to a wonderful compilation of anti-Trump humor on the big screen. However, the question is whether there will be much to laugh about for America’s Democrats if Trump gets a second term.


Impressively Researched Piece

Rosenfeld and Shapiro’s election show is full of this doubt. In an impressively researched piece, we see that the Republicans have spent decades making it as difficult as possible for Democrats to vote. Also very strong and convincing is the game show Spot the Truth – with audience participation. In a witty and funny way, they show that even a well-informed citizen can no longer distinguish the truth from the fake. And in this shadowy area Trump is a great magician.

As usual with Boom Chicago, the scripted parts of the show are very good, also this time around. However, it is always a question of how the improvisations will go. These parts are not always as strong – but due to the enormous energy of Shapiro and Rosenfeld, they never fall too flat.

The ‘Second Harris-Trump Debate’ – which in reality never happened because Trump was afraid of being thrashed again – was the highlight of the evening. Rosenfeld and Shapiro proved to be absolute masters in answering questions from the audience. Shapiro not only controls Trump’s voice and intonation, but he also spouts the authentically dangerous nonsense that could only come from the mouth of the convicted liar.

And yet – as they mentioned at the beginning of the show – Dutch people maybe should not be so arrogant towards the Americans, because with ‘the blond leader of the PVV (Partij Vreemdelingen Verböden)’ we have our own Trump-wannabe currently in power.

Read the review in Dutch here:

Read the review of Pep & Greg’s 2020 Election show Lock Him Up:

Greg Shapiro Premiere in De Kleine Komedie

Shapiro Première in DeKleineKomedie

Dutch American Comedian Greg Shapiro Premières in De Kleine Komedie Amsterdam

21 October, 2024

In Amsterdam it’s nice to see your name in lights, but it’s even nicer to see your name on the sign at the theater called De Kleine Komedie.

With the help of Impact Entertainment, I was able to perform the premiere of my 2024 US election show LEAVING TRUMPLAND 2.0: No Country for Old Men.

Would I be prepared? I wasn’t sure… We had only done four tryout performances so far – as well as bits and pieces at various open mic night and standup stages.

Shapiro Première in DeKleineKomedie INTI performed Leaving Trumpland 1.0 for the US election in 2020. Unfortunately, not many people saw that show – because it was in the middle of Covid. Remember when you could only perform for 30 or 100 max at a time? And half the shows were canceled before that. My tour booker said, “the reviews were so good! Why don’t you just do a reprise of your 2020 show for the US election 2024?” I said “don’t be ridiculous! That would require the exact same to candidates four years ago. What are the odds of that happening?” …And yet for most of this year, that’s what we had. Biden vs Trump: the rematch. Because they both aged so gracefully.








But then Joe Biden dropped out, Thank the Almighty! …And I had to rewrite almost the entire show. WORTH IT.

Leaving Trumpland 1.0 was my sixth solo show. But with Leaving Trumpland 2.0, I can honestly say since it’s 90% new, it is my seventh solo show.







We had a full house for a Monday night. We even had a second balcony! The theater director was happy, the programmer was happy. My theater booker was happy. The audience was great.
Afterward, I made sure to grab a pose with my director, Michael Diederich…

…and my producer/wife Inez De Goede.

Thanks for the excellent photos from Jelle Draper.

Photographer Jelle Draper

Reviews for Leaving Trumpland

Shapiro in JFK Magazine

Shapiro in JFK Magazine

Greg Shapiro is Back in JFK Magazine – ‘Just for Men’

4 September, 2024

It’s been awhile since I was last in JFK Magazine. I think it was when I hosted Comedy Central news in 2008. But now I’m on tour with my 2024 US election show LEAVING TRUMPLAND 2.0: No Country for Old Men. And they invited me again – for a wonderful photo series, previewing my premiere De Kleine Komedie, Amsterdam!

Great interview by head editor Jeroen Jansen. And photos by Martijn Senders. Here are some highlights of the interview:

How do I feel about Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump?

I vacillate between Hope and Horror. But at least it’s not all horror. I start my show by putting my cards on the table: No, I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I love him as a punching bag. But I can’t have him as president again. Still – even if he loses in a landslide – he’ll never go away. Good news for me.

When Joe Biden dropped out, I always thought Kamala Harris was the most logical choice to be the candidate. Yes, I think she can win. I just hope Trump actually shows up to debate her. He will completely fall apart. He’ll have a nuclear meltdown in real time. Great for ratings!

Trump says that Kamala Harris isn’t really black. And maybe he has a point. Compared to Donald Trump, her primary characteristic is not black. It’s that she’s Not Old. She’s Not a Criminal. And she’s Not Weird.

Yes, it’s true. I keep a note in my pocket

for when I bump into Trump supporters. SO I don’t rely on Democrat talking points. These arguments are more effective with Trump supporters. Like “Donald Trump disrespects veterans from the military.” Like “He’s not focused, he brings too much chaos.” And whatever you thought about the election results in 2020, “Trump lost 62 out of 62 court cases challenging those results. He lost the lawsuit about the sexual assault. He lost the lawsuit about doing business in New York. And he lost the lawsuit about stormy Daniels. He’s on a losing streak.”

JFK Magazine Online:

Shapiro in JFK Magazine


Shapiro 3 Shows 2024

Shapiro 3 Shows 2024

Shapiro 3 Shows 2024

21 August, 2024

It’s exciting to say: “Greg Shapiro has 3 new shows coming this fall.”
1. US election solo show NL tour: LEAVING TRUMPLAND
2. US election show at Boom Chicago show – with Pep Rosenfeld: PEP & GREG POLITICALLY INCORRECT
3. Pepijn’s Comedy Club in Den Haag – with International Comedians

1. LEAVING TRUMPLAND: No Country for Old Men

Are you ready for the Post-Trump era? Kamala Harris says “We’re not going back,” and Greg Shapiro says “Leaving Trumpland.” With Biden out of the race, the new theme of the 2024 election is ‘No Country for Old Men.’ Specifically, Old Weird Men. Leaving Trumpland 2.0 is Shapiro’s most brutally honest show yet.

THEATERKRANT: ‘Sharp Satire of Trump’s America’

THEATERPARADIJS‘Razor Sharp Humor with a Personal Touch’

ARTS TALK MAGAZINE‘A Very Sharp and Dangerous Edge’

Click here for flashy videos & such:

It’s my 7th solo show, and I’m premiering in Amsterdam’s Kleine Komedie. Wanna come?



Pep & I have been writing comedy together since 1985. We’ve been doing US Election Specials since 2004. Along the way, Pep has written for Saturday Night Live. I’ve hosted Comedy Central News. And now we host an improvised debate between me as the real Fake Donald Trump – which means Pep has to do a Kamala impression. Politically Incorrect!

‘Sharp satire and world class improvisation’ – De Volkskrant

‘Five stars! Greg and Pep have an incredible charisma and are very funny….’ — D Robbinson, Trip Advisor

‘Superior. Hilarious satire’ –



For solo performers, Den Haag’s Pepijn Theater is one of the most beloved spaces in the Netherlands. For two seasons, I’ve been programming and hosting the English edition of Pepijn’s Comedy Club. And this season we’re going monthly! In September, we’ve got the headliner ALINA SHARIPOVA (Russia / Belgium). In October – from the UK – we’ve got RIA LINA (you may know her from BBC’s Live at the Apollo). And in November we’ve got headliner KURIAKOSE VAISIAN (India).

Greg Shapiro Leaving Trumpland 2.0

Greg Shapiro LeavingTrumpland 2

Greg Shapiro: LEAVING TRUMPLAND 2.0 – No Country for Old Men

Autumn, 2024

Dutch-American comedian Greg Shapiro (Boom Chicago, BNR, Comedy Central) presents a US Election Special. Kamala Harris says “We’re not going back,” Greg Shapiro says “Leaving Trumpland.” As Donald Trump continues his campaign in the form of a flameout nervous breakdown, the theme of the 2024 election is  ‘No Country for Old Men.’ Specifically, Old Weird Men.


Greg Shapiro is known as the voice of the ‘Netherlands Second’ video from ‘Zondag Met Lubach.’ But now – if Trump wins – will Shapiro ever feel comfortable returning to the country of his birth? Shapiro keeps hearing the question: “don’t you want Trump to be president again?” His answer is the same thing Mark Rutte said to Trump in the White House: “Haha! No.”

Leaving Trumpland 2.0 is a mix of standup, cabaret and Trump-inspired improvisation. Shapiro wrote Leaving Trumpland 1.0 in 2020 – during COVID. He argues that a Trump comeback would be about as welcome as COVID 2.0. In Shapiro’s most personal moment, he shares the details of how COVID killed his step-father, due to Trump’s fantasyland followers. Leaving Trumpland 2.0 is Shapiro’s most brutally honest show yet.



Reviews Greg Shapiro LeavingTrumpland 1.0

Due to COVID, not many people saw Leaving Trumpland 1.0. But critics did.




Greg Shapiro is one of the originals at Boom Chicago theater in Amsterdam. He has hosted ‘Comedy Central News’ on ComedyCentralNL, and he has appeared on BNR, BNN-VARA, VPRO & ZDF in Germany. And yes, he is known as the voice of Trump in the ‘Netherlands Second’ viral video with 50 million views. As author, Greg has written books such as How to Be Dutch: the Quiz and his latest The American Netherlander: 25 Years of Expat Tales.


Greg Shapiro’s Leaving Trumpland 2.0 is performed in English, with some content in Dutch.
Written and Performed by: Greg Shapiro
Directed by: Michael Diederich.

Theater Booker: Impact Entertainment. They will be announcing tour dates soon…
See Greg’s LEAVING TRUMPLAND 1.0 (2020)


The ‘Netherlands Second’ video (2017)



Shapiro Votes in Global Primary

Shapiro Votes in Global Primary

Shapiro Votes in Global Primary

6 March 2024

Super Tuesday in the Netherlands! Time for Dutch American comedian Greg Shapiro to vote in the Global Presidential Primary 2024. The Dutch morning show ‘Goede Morgen Nederland’ called me up to ask if I was planning to vote – and how I was planning to vote. (Their channel WNL is more right-wing, so I was cautious.) Since I am still a citizen of the US, I said “yes, of course I’m voting (for Biden)!”

The Global Presidential Primary is fairly new. And so far the Democrat party is the only one organizing it. Until 2020 – if you wanted to vote in the presidential primaries at all – you had to send in an absentee request to register and for a ballot. Now, the Democrat party is organizing a number of in-person voting locations for American expats around the world. Amsterdam is one of the locations, specifically at Boom Chicago.

The TV interviewer asked if I could provide an American-style campaign event. She asked “do you maybe have flags?” Being the American Netherlander, YES I have flags. Here is the (one-minute) TV interview – in Dutch. Below is the transcript in English.

transcript in English:

Presenter: “One of the people who can vote in the Global Presidential Primary is ‘Mr. America first, Netherland second,’ comedian Greg Shapiro.”

Greg: “Yes, I’m celebrating today. I’m celebrating that as the American Netherlander, I can vote in person in the Global Presidential Primary.
I realize Joe Biden is not the ideal candidate. He’s way too old. But he’s the only Democrat who can say he beat Trump once already. And yes, he’s old, but he has more experience than anybody. He knows so many world leaders, NATO leaders, dictators. He knows Putin. For decades. That counts for something.
I have family in America. I have a sister, she has a daughter. And I’m sorry, but the Republicans with their crazy abortion laws. I feel like I have to protect my family if I can. So I’m voting for Biden.”

(as Biden) “Vote today if you want to vote for Biden.”

(as Trump) “And if you want to vote for Trump, you can’t. It’s Democrats only this time around.”


For more Greg Shapiro TV appearances, click here: