Shapiro ‘Europa Draait Door’
Greg Shapiro Trump Commentary for Amerika Draait Door Event at De Kleine Komedie (for Europa Draait Door)
event: 12 October, 2024
You may know Dutch journalists Tim de Wit & Arend Jan Boekestijn from their podcast ‘Europa Draait Door.’ (aka Europe is “going crazy.”) In the run-up to the craziest of US elections, they organized a one-off event called ‘Amerika Draait Door,’ aka “America Is Going Crazy.” And they invited me for some comedy commentary. Together with America correspondent Michiel Vos, they predicted it: Trump would win the 2024 election. I predicted Trump would get 20-24 years in prison. (I was wrong.)
The evening began at Amsterdam’s De Kleine Komedie with flags and campaign banners and the journalists’ advice: it’s never safe to bet against Donald Trump. Michiel Vos joined in to agree. Mind you, Michiel Vos is famously married to the daughter of Nancy Pelosi. Apparently he follows the family party line on politics. But boy does he get excited when he talks about Donald Trump’s star quality: “Trump is a bad ass. It’s like the bullets bounce off of him. Americans see him as invincible.” + “Too many Americans are struggling to get by. Living paycheck to paycheck, constantly shocked and upset at hidden costs for every little thing. Americans want a disruptor. They want someone who’s gonna tear it all down if necessary. That’s why they will vote for Donald Trump.”
Greg Goes Against the Grain
The panel predicted a Trump win. Arend-Jan made his prediction by putting on a Make America Great Again hat. (I couldn’t help feeling like that hat will at some point be seen as a symbol of hate. Like, if these guys had to predict “who would win World War II,” he’d be putting on a swastika hat.)
At the end, it was my turn – to make fun of all the candidates. I pointed out that Trump is now older than Joe Biden was when he started as president. Next, I talked about Project 2025 being written by a bunch of religious fanatics. When Dutch people ask me, “Where did they come from?” I say: “You sent them! The Pilgrims, in 1620!”
Dutch people keep asking me, “You don’t really think Trump will be a fascist – ?” And it’s true, the United States has never had fascists take over the country. …But in the Netherlands you have! Not that long ago. Thank goodness it was over quickly – and that’s the best hope I have for the US now.
I ended my bit by giving a fake Trump press conference. Taking questions and giving ridiculous answers. Most answers were simply me repeating Trump’s actual quotes.
I made my prediction by amending the Trump campaign sign from ‘Trump 2024’ to ‘Trump 20- 24’ years in prison. …It was a simpler time.
Of course, no one had thought to discuss the very end of the show. So I dragged everyone up front for a photo op and a big bow.
Full house! Great show. Accurate predictions and accurate title: America is going crazy.
Europa Draait Door
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