
Shapiro Hosts NAF Gala

Shapiro Hosts NAF Gala
I may be back to host another NAF gala for 2025. As the US / EU alliance is being torn apart, we need organizations like the Netherland America Foundation more than ever.

Shapiro on Dutch Health Care

The Netherlands has earned a reputation as the drug capital of Europe, with its famous tolerance of soft drugs. But if it’s really the Drug Capital, then you’d assume you could get drugs from the Dutch health care system… which is virtually impossible.

Greg Shapiro FD Persoonlijk

When Joe Biden dropped out and Kamala Harris stepped in, Greg Shapiro thought, "it's a good thing I added 'No Country for Old Men' to my show title."

Shapiro at Tim Walz Amsterdam

MN GOV Tim Walz was on a trade mission in Amsterdam. But he had to react to JD Vance's Munich speech. "Republicans tell you ‘government doesn’t work,’ then they get into power and prove it.”

Shapiro EditieNL ‘Going Dutch’

Shapiro EditieNL Going Dutch
Wouldn’t it be fun to set a US tv show in the Netherlands and investigate the subtle quirks of Dutch culture? OR - just trot out the usual stereotypes and get half wrong?
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